Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 81, Missoula Rabble, Carol

Missoula Rabble, Carol was confident, cute, and content sitting in her chair next to her booth this morning. She has been selling her jewelry and knitted materials for the past 5 years now. What was once a pastime hobby turned into a job because she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a syndrome that causes long-term body pain, while pursuing a graduate degree in social work. "Between [fibromyalgia] and everything else, I had to quit," she said. "I could work but I couldn't be dependable." She started selling her crafts to pay the bills. "It's called making ends meet," she told me. Carol is a woman of strong faith and told me that is what keeps her strong. "I try to give something to someone every market," she said. "It's a way to give back." 

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