Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 120, Missoula Rabble, Casey and Zach

Missoula Rabble, I'm on a little road trip to the west coast and we met up with old Missoulians Casey, left, and Zach. They met 2 years ago in Missoula. "I spotted him when I was working at Bernice's," Zach said. Their first date was at the Disco Blood Bath. They stayed out until 4am and Casey walked Zach to work at 5:30am. "I made him a peppermint tea for his walk home and hoped he'd wait up for me when I got off," Zach said. Casey did and they've been together since. The two were separated for 9 months when Zach moved to Portland to study cosmetology before Casey decided to join him this year. "I got to figure out whether we wanted to be together," Casey said. "I got to figure out what we mean to each other."