Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 139, Missoula Rabble, Dustin

Dustin has a different kind of guys night he likes to call "nerd fest." One night a week he and his friends sit down at a table decorated with computers, cards, maps, and books for a little game called Dungeons and Dragons. "It's just like poker night or a fantasy football league," he said. "You hang out with your friends, drink some beers, and have a good time." He played back in middle school and decided to reintroduce the game back into his life about a year and a half ago. "It's a good exercise in creativity and critical thinking," he said. "Someone comes up with an idea for a story and gets everyone else to help him write it." I asked Dustin one of the reasons why he likes D & D. "You get to be the opposite of who you are," he said. "I'm obviously a scrawny dude and I get to play a big, burly dude."