Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 188, Missoula Rabble, Teddy

Teddy recently found out he's a father to a little girl. "I didn't know I was a father until she was a year," he said. "I'm a full-fledged father now." He said his daughter's name is Ailish which he told me means 'little miracle' in Irish-Gaelic. "She is a little miracle. She's a blessing in disguise," he said. He told me he wasn't in the best place in his life when he found out. "I was not necessarily the best father figure, but it has whipped me into shape," he said. "I've had to put a lot of things aside. Resentments, fears, and personal growth to focus on this, having a daughter." I asked Teddy what's best about being a new father. "The best part of being a dad is how in awe I am that I was able to create life when I was used to destroying life before," he said. "It has really humbled me. I'm not as selfish anymore. I'm trying to build the best life I can for this person."