Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 132, Missoula Rabble, Katharina

Katharina saves lives and empowers souls of women and children everyday. She is the domestic violence program manager at the YWCA. She helps women and their families leave abusive homes when they may not have the power or courage to do it on their own. "Everybody has a right to live a violence free life," she said. "Being able to be there for someone who is going through that process is a privelage." I asked her how she got into this field of work. "These are issues that happen everywhere, no matter where you go," she said. "Women's issues are important to me." I asked her what she has learned the most from the women and families she has worked with over the years. "Sometimes it may take [a woman] years to leave, maybe they never will," she said. "They're the expert in their life. I'll support them when they're ready to leave."