Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 135, Missoula Rabble, Adam

Adam is going away tomorrow to try to make it in the big city with the big dogs. He's moving to Los Angeles, a place he's never visited. "I have a huge security blanket here," he said. "It's a necessary evil for my career at this point. My soul belongs in Missoula." Adam has worked as an editor for television for years and he has some big ideas. One being a "Game of Thrones" type series on the Lewis and Clark expedition. He talks about it a lot if you've ever met him. It really is a great idea. "I'd love to pitch a multi-part series to HBO or Showtime about the Lewis and Clark expedition," he said. "This area is a pivotal moment of that entire journey. It happened basically yesterday." I asked him why he thinks it would be good for television. "It took them three years," he said. "People died, there was kidnapping, rape, love. Everything to make a good Hollywood feature."