Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 127, Missoula Rabble, Nate

Missoula Rabble, Nate has music in the blood. "I wouldn't know what it wasn't like to have musicians around," he said. "In some ways that's how you succeed in my family. By how well you play music. In some ways." Nate grew up with a singing father, a music teacher mother, and three younger musically talented sisters. "My sisters and I learned to sing harmony together," he said. I asked him what it was like growing up with three sisters. "I had no physical recourse," he said. "It was really easy for them to terrorize me. We got along well, though." Nate's playing tonight at the Top Hat with his band Cash For Junkers. I asked him which instrument he played. "The electric guitar really lights me up right now. People know me as a mandolin player," he said. "If it has strings on it, I can figure it out."